Herbs Medicine

Herbs for Toothaches – Natural Dental Pain Relief

There can be nothing worse than suffering from excruciating toothache at any given time. When experiencing a toothache, it can often become all-consuming with only one goal uppermost in the mind, and that is to try and obtain any kind of instant relief. In this article, we will discover the wonders of herbs for toothache as well as teas for toothache and we will also talk about the herbal remedy for toothache, which will assist you with eliminating any immediate pain most effectively.

Herbs for Tooth Pain

No matter what the product is, be it herbal, plant-based, or a drink of herbal tea, if your toothache persists, it is really important to make sure you visit your dentist or oral hygienist so that they can help with what could very well be an underlying issue. An herbal remedy for toothache is a quick and easy solution and when a toothache occurs, this is generally a sign that there may be a bigger issue that needs to be addressed. Of course, prevention is always better than cure which is easy to say but one never knows when those pesky little toothaches are going to crop up, and for immediate relief of the pain, considering herbs for toothache will definitely help for interim periods.

Natural Toothcare Remedies

As you read through this article, we will open up your world to a variety of herbs that are ideal for treating tooth pain and maintaining your dental health.

Herbs for Dental Health

Toothache Herbs

Common toothache herbs such as cloves, yarrow, calendula, and tarragon can be used for the instant relief of pain in the mouth area and a herbal remedy for toothache is certainly the route recommended. Many cultures around the world count on the natural element of the various herbs to combat toothache and to act as a temporary relief or even as a deterrent.

Use Herbs for Tooth Pain

Toothache, whether constant, dull, or even sharp, will probably land up ruining your day or even keep you out of your sleep. Herbs for toothache are natural remedies that will calm the inflammation in the mouth and at the same time will kill any harmful bacteria. Most herbs for toothache have natural numbing agents which act almost as an anesthetic for the mouth.

Ease Toothache with Herbs

Using a Herbal Remedy for Toothache

One of the more popular herbs for tooth pain is kept in our kitchen cupboards and is called the clove. Cloves are herbs used for tooth pain and are a natural remedy for toothache. Almost the entire clove plant and stem, and of course the leaves are used to make natural herbal medicine. The dried clove works very similar to an antiseptic that can fight off bacteria that causes infections. Cloves are an excellent source for fighting tooth cavities which is the exact reason why it is a natural remedy for toothache and you will often find cloves as an added ingredient in many of the oral products that we use on a regular basis.

Herb-Infused Dental Care Products

Additional popular herbs for tooth pain are found in the form of teas for toothache and there are many varieties on the shelf that could be considered. We are drawn to an excellent tea for toothache which is peppermint tea. You may very well ask the question, does peppermint tea help with toothache as well as other ailments and our response is a resounding yes. We are confident when we say that it is one of the most ideal teas for toothache. It is refreshing to drink and the taste is also very pleasant. Not only does peppermint tea have antibacterial properties but also helps to keep the breath fresh.

Peppermint Tea for Fresh Breath

Ground Cloves and Clove Oil

The dried clove is probably the most commonly used herb for toothache, this is probably because most people have this dried spice in their spice racks at home because it is commonly used for cooking and baking. The clove contains a natural numbing agent and will bring quick relief to the affected area in your mouth. Either a whole clove can be placed directly onto the tooth that is causing discomfort or alternately clove oil can be placed on a small piece of cotton wool, which is then placed onto the tooth. The taste of a raw clove is quite bitter and because of the numbing agent found in the clove, we recommend trying to avoid touching it with your tongue once it is in the mouth. Clove oil can be purchased at any health shop in your shopping mall.

Clove Oil for Toothache

Although the clove can be used for toothache, it is generally consumed with food. If the clove is consumed in its natural state in high doses, it can be toxic to humans. The clove herb when used for a toothache should be used only in small quantities and not as an ongoing remedy for bigger problems that may be occurring in the background.

Whole and Ground Cloves


Yarrow is an effective toothache herb. Any part of this herb that appears above the ground can be chewed. The fresh leaves of the yarrow herb help to relieve toothache. The antibacterial properties in the yarrow herb promote quite rapid healing. As with the clove, the yarrow is commonly consumed with food. Yarrow is safe in small doses and should not be used as an ongoing medicinal medium without consulting a doctor beforehand.

Yarrow Herb for Toothache


Calendula is a natural remedy for toothache. The plant bears an orange or yellow flower which is very similar to that of a daisy. This herb is used by many herbalists as it carries a lot of beneficial properties. Calendula can be purchased in both a powder or dried-out state, from your nearest health shop. A tea can be made from the powder or it can be used as a mouthwash for small inflamed areas inside the mouth. If you are allergic to plants or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not consume the calendula herb as it can cause drowsiness in huge dosages.

Calendula Herb for Toothache


These herbs for tooth pain can be consumed as a tea. The process is very easy. Add a small amount of fresh tarragon (usually a tablespoon) to boiled water in a cup. Steep the tarragon for at least five minutes and drink whilst still hot. The taste of the tarragon herb is often likened to that of the fennel herb. For the relief of toothache, a few drops of tarragon oil added to a glass of lukewarm water can be used as an effective gargling solution for the mouth. The tarragon herb for toothache has impressive health benefits which include assisting with inflammation and pain. Tarragon herbs have a great history of impressing as a toothache relieving herb. Add that to assisting with inflammation and pain, tarragon is very versatile. It can also be added to a number of foods to consume.

Tarragon Herb Tea for Tooth Pain


Wheatgrass is often referred to as the “miracle medicine” due to the high content of juices that can be extracted from the sprouts and is an herbal remedy for toothache. There are many healing properties to wheatgrass and it also has immune-boosting properties. This herb contains a high chlorophyll content and is useful when fighting bacteria and is an especially effective herb for toothache. Wheatgrass is a brilliant tooth decay-fighting herb and not only does it act as an herb for tooth pain, but it is also very effective as a mouthwash as well. Wheatgrass is considered safe to consume in small doses. There have been reports of mild headaches or sometimes even nausea when consumed in very high doses.

Wheatgrass Herb for Toothache


Thyme is an herb for toothache and it has a very distinct smell. Although the entire herb is commonly used to flavor foods, it is also used as a medicine. As with wheatgrass, thyme is also a brilliant tooth decay-fighting herb as well as a natural herbal remedy for toothache. Dilute the thyme oil with a carrier oil (olive oil) and apply it to the affected area with your finger or a small piece of cotton wool. A small drop of this oil in a glass of warm water can also be used to gargle. Thyme contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins that continue to promote good health. This herb is full of vitamin C as well as potassium. Thyme should be consumed in small doses.

Our Favorite Herb for Toothache

Peppermint tea is an herbal remedy for toothache and helps fight bacteria as it has a number of antibacterial compounds. Peppermint tea is made from the dry leaves of the peppermint plant and has no calories and is also caffeine-free. It is certainly an herb that smacks a small punch to the immune system.

Peppermint Leaves and Oil for Toothcare

Not only does peppermint tea act as an herbal remedy for toothache, but because of its antibacterial properties, it also kills germs in your mouth, which in turn helps to keep your breath smelling fresh. Peppermint tea can be consumed as a refreshing drink or as a natural gargle after brushing your teeth. It is basically the ideal tea for toothache. So, does peppermint tea help with toothache? The answer, once again, is a resounding yes!

Peppermint Tea for Toothache

Peppermint tea is certainly one of the more effective teas for toothache and peppermint tea bags are easily and readily available in most supermarkets. Making peppermint tea with a tea bag has become very popular in modern times and because of its natural healing products and caffeine-free content, the tea has become a relatively fast seller.

Popularity of Peppermint Tea

Making a cup of refreshing peppermint tea requires no effort at all. Simply place a peppermint tea bag into a cup and pour boiling water over the tea bag. Allow the tea to rest for five minutes before removing the tea bag. Peppermint tea can be consumed both hot or cold as desired, as either way it does give a good boost to the digestive system.

Peppermint Herbal Teabags for Toothache

How to Use Peppermint Tea as a Herb for Toothache

  • To relieve toothache using the peppermint tea bag, the process is just as easy as making your usual cup of tea. The only difference is that you will be placing the entire tea bag in your mouth instead of drinking the tea.
  • Dip the tea bag into a cup of hot water for a minute or two. After removing the tea bag from the cup, place the tea bag on a saucer and into the fridge or freezer for at least five minutes so that it can cool down.
  • Once the bag is cool to the touch, insert the bag into the mouth onto the affected tooth and let it rest for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Soft biting can take place on the tea bag whilst it is in the mouth. The process can be repeated throughout the day or until such time that you can consult with your dental practitioner.

We hope that you have found this article informative and that you keep in mind that if the pain persists, it is advisable to consult a dentist to ensure that your pain does not stem from a serious issue that may get worse if left unattended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Peppermint Tea Help With Toothache?

Yes, peppermint tea is an effective herbal remedy for toothache, as it contains an active ingredient called menthol. It is one of the more ideal teas for toothache as it carries ingredients that have numbing properties that help soothe the pain of a sensitive tooth as well as any broken gums around the tooth.

How Much Peppermint Tea Can Be Consumed to Ease a Toothache?

Although there are no set rules for drinking peppermint tea, we would recommend no more than two to three cups of tea on a daily basis. Whilst there are no major side effects from drinking peppermint tea, if you drink more than two to three cups a day, you may just find that your visits to the bathroom will increase quite a bit. Peppermint tea is a toothache herb and using a peppermint tea bag directly onto a tooth to eliminate toothache can be used throughout the day or until you are able to visit a dental practitioner.

When Should You Not Use Herbs for Toothache?

The majority of herbs for toothache can be used in small quantities, however as with any product used for medicinal purposes, if you are in doubt or you are taking blood thinning medication, it is always advisable to consult your health practitioner before consuming anything that may interfere with any scheduled drugs that may be prescribed.

Where Can I Purchase Herbal Tea as a Herbal Remedy for Toothache?

Herbal tea has become very popular over the last decade and most of your various flavored teas can be found at your supermarkets. Alternately, if you are wanting to go the natural route of sourcing your herbs, any herbal shop will stock the more common herbs that you will certainly want to use as an herbal remedy for toothache.

The post Herbs for Toothaches – Natural Dental Pain Relief appeared first on Natural Herbal Living.


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