
Pregnant Meghan Trainor Apologizes for “F Teachers” Comments

<p><strong>Meghan Trainor</strong> is working on righting her wrongs. In a <a rel=”noopener” href=”https://www.tiktok.com/@meghantrainor/video/7225297153764166958″ target=”_blank”>TikTok video</a> posted on Sunday, April 23, the soon-to-be mom of two issued an apology to “teachers of TikTok and teachers of the world” for her “careless” remarks about teachers on her podcast.</p>
<p>The “Made You Look” singer got “fired up” when discussing <a rel=”noopener” href=”https://hellogiggles.com/news-reporter-finds-son-school-shooting/” target=”_blank”>today’s current classroom environment</a>, specifically the alarming number of <a rel=”noopener” href=”https://hellogiggles.com/melissa-joan-hart-helps-kids-flee-nashville-shooting/” target=”_blank”>school shootings in the U.S.</a> In the mix of everything, Trainor dropped multiple expletives about schools and teachers.</p>
<p>“Teachers of TikTok and teachers of the world, I recently said ‘F teachers’ on the podcast and it’s not how I feel,” Trainer said in her video. “I was fired up because we were talking about how sending your kid to school here in America is so horrific.”</p>
<blockquote class=”tiktok-embed” cite=”https://www.tiktok.com/@meghantrainor/video/7225297153764166958″ data-video-id=”7225297153764166958″ data-embed-from=”oembed” >
<section> <a target=”_blank” title=”@meghantrainor” href=”https://www.tiktok.com/@meghantrainor?refer=embed”>@meghantrainor</a> </p>
<p>@galsgotmoxie thank you for making your video and for bringing attention to this. I am sorry for being careless with my words. I LOVE teachers and I am here for you <img src=”https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/72×72/2764.png” alt=”❤” class=”wp-smiley” /> Let’s work to make schools a better place together</p>
<p> <a target=”_blank” title=”♬ original sound – Meghan Trainor” href=”https://www.tiktok.com/music/original-sound-7225297176816192302?refer=embed”>♬ original sound – Meghan Trainor</a> </section>
<p> </p>
<p>Trainor co-hosts the <a rel=”noopener” href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1p1dD0srqk” target=”_blank”><em>Workin’ On It</em> podcast</a> with her brother <strong>Ryan Trainor</strong>. On last week’s episode, the sibling duo invited influencer <strong>Trisha Paytas</strong> to chat about parenthood.</p>
<p>As the topic of schooling came up, Trainor shared that she and husband <strong>Daryl Sabara</strong> will be homeschooling their children. The couple welcomed son Riley in 2021 and is expecting their second child.</p>
<h3>“We’re homeschooling our kids,” Trainor said. “Everyone on TikTok is like, ‘This is what it’s like having kids in America. I have a bulletproof backpack.’ I was like, f–k all that.”</h3>
<p><strong>RELATED</strong>: <a rel=”noopener” href=”https://hellogiggles.com/news-reporter-finds-son-school-shooting/” target=”_blank”>News Reporter Finds Her Own Son While Covering a Shooting at His School</a></p>
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<p><a href=”https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqyyLlLEBx/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading” target=”_blank”>A post shared by Meghan Trainor (@meghantrainor)</a></p>
<p>Paytas added that in addition to mass school shootings, she fears of kids being susceptible to “potential bullies and teachers.”</p>
<h2>“F—ck teachers, dude,” Trainor quipped.</h2>
<p>In Sunday’s TikTok, Trainor explained that both she and Sabra were victims of school bullying. She noted that Paytas’s concerns only fueled her feelings. Despite her off-hand remarks, Trainor said she has the utmost respect for teachers and it wasn’t intended to be a blanket statement.</p>
<p>“I did not mean [to say that about] all teachers,” Trainer continued. “I love teachers, I fight for teachers. I think they have the hardest job and they are the most underpaid. They are the most unappreciated when they literally raise all of us. I don’t want to make excuses, I just want to [say] I am so sorry.”</p>
<p>She continued, “I am so sorry to any teachers I made feel bad and I will remind myself that my words definitely could have a consequence and I will be more careful.”</p>
<p>Fans aren’t hesitating to share their disappointment with Trainor and her remarks in the comments. Many are calling for the songstress to share how she’s an advocate for teachers. Others are also pointing out that homeschooling doesn’t exempt her kids from being ever being bullied or working with teachers.</p>

The post Pregnant Meghan Trainor Apologizes for “F Teachers” Comments appeared first on HelloGiggles.


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